
Why there’s a growing need for Health Care Advocates in British Columbia

by John Lawson March 27th, 2023
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There are similarities between the work of wealth managers, family offices and health care advocates.

Specifically, those similarities involve acting as facilitators between different professionals while influencing forward progress.

The health care system benefits many individuals, but navigating between different professionals (such as family doctors, oncologists and more) is increasingly complex.

Why? It’s because they don’t communicate with each other, according to Lorraine Bosha.

That’s why Lorraine has seen increased demand in her business as a Health Care Advocate for British Columbian residents.

On the latest episode of the Wealth Wisdom Podcast, we’re joined by Lorraine Bosha, owner and founder of Shield Health Advocates.

Lorraine tells us her first firsthand experience in dealing with our local medical system, and why it inspired her to create her own practice as a Health Care Advocate.

She also touches on current issues with the British Columbian medical system, while telling you about the wide range of services she provides for clients.

You can listen to the latest episode both on YouTube and on your favourite podcasting platform.

Here are some highlights from the episode.

Lorraine’s Story

Entrepreneurs have to harness that internal motivation in order to run a successful business.

Well, Lorraine has that in spades.

There’s a very compelling reason as to why she’s passionate about being a health care advocate: she once had to advocate for herself during a battle with colon cancer.

Listen to her story here.

What’s wrong with our healthcare system?

I have to say, we are lucky to live in a place like Canada where there are accessible, qualified health professionals who can assist individuals with their health issues?

One of the main problems? They don’t talk to each other.

Lorraine gives a fictional example below of how a lack of communication can negatively affect those who need proper care.

Why it can be problematic for family members to be health advocates

“Usually, people call me as a last resort.”

That statement stood out to me, but Lorraine’s logic makes sense.

Often, people don’t realize how complex it can be to navigate the health care system, until they’re in the system itself.

People will often try to navigate it on their own, before family members step into the role.

Lorraine talks about two of the biggest reasons why it can be difficult for family members to become health advocates for their loved ones.

What Health Advocates can do

In short? Everything.

Lorraine touches on the scope of her work here, which ranges from one-time appointments to dealing with all of a person’s health care oversight needs around the clock support.

Similarities between Estate Planning and Lorraine’s Role

When Lorraine was describing her role, I instinctively started drawing parallels to the role of a wealth manager.

Specifically, with estate planning.

Lorraine advocates for her patient’s health and well-being, but she also keeps the proverbial ball rolling with their medical care.

With estate planning, it’s often a similar story.

No one likes to talk about their own demise, and that often means individuals procrastinate (and sometimes don’t plan at all) for how they want their assets and affairs to be handled once they’re gone.

That’s where our team has stepped in over the years. We advocate for you and make sure you get that crucial piece of your financial puzzle completed, even if it leads to conversations that aren’t always easy or enjoyable.

I talk more about the parallels between health advocacy and estate planning here.

Next Episode

Many thanks to Lorraine for joining me on the latest episode of the Wealth Wisdom Podcast. I’ve often heard from clients, friends and family about their struggles while navigating the health care system, so I sought out someone with Lorraine's skill set to be a resource for our clients.

If you want to get in touch with her or learn more about her services, you can visit her website: shieldhealthadvocates.com.

Our next episode plans to tackle one of the main challenges faced by current business owners: finding the right people.

We’ll talk to a recruiter for small and medium-sized enterprises about current hiring trends and what entrepreneurs can do to seek out viable employees.

Until Next Time,

Assante Sana

John Lawson (CFP®, CIM, FEA), Senior Wealth Advisor

Sana Family Office | Assante Capital Management Ltd.

Assante Capital Management Ltd. is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada. This material is provided for general information only and is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to compile this information from reliable sources, however no warranty can be made as to its accuracy or completeness. Before acting on the above, please be sure to see a professional advisor for individual financial advice, based on your personal circumstances. The opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of Assante Capital Management. 

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